8 Fascinating Facts About Smiling

Smiling enriches life in many ways. That’s why it’s important to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. Dentists aim to help patients achieve and maintain a healthy smile they can enjoy for the rest of their lives.

1. Smiles Are the Most Recognizable Facial Expression

A smile is truly universal. Whether someone is in their hometown or on the other side of the world, a smile signifies happiness and serves as a shared language.

2. Babies Are Born with the Ability to Smile

Babies learn much by observing the people around them. However, all babies, including those born with visual impairments, are born with the ability to smile. Babies can smile in the womb and right after birth.

3. Smiling Lowers Blood Pressure

Smiling helps the body release cortisol and endorphins, which relax the heart and help lower blood pressure.

4. Smiling Can Help You Live Longer

Since smiling releases endorphins, reduces stress, alleviates pain, and lowers blood pressure, it offers significant health benefits and may contribute to a longer life.

5. Children Smile More Often Than Adults

On average, children smile up to 400 times a day. Even the happiest adults smile only 40 to 50 times daily, while the average person smiles around 20 times per day.

6. Women Smile More Often Than Men

Research shows that women smile more frequently than men. On average, women smile 62 times a day, whereas men smile only about 8 times a day.

7. There Are 19 Different Types of Smiles

When someone feels nervous, uncomfortable, or even unhappy, their smiles take on different forms. Scientists have discovered 19 distinct types of smiles. Smiles are often less about how someone feels and more about the signals they wish to convey to others.

8. A Genuine Smile Is the First Thing People Notice

Nearly half the population believes a person’s smile is their most memorable feature. While only 25% of people remember the first thing someone says, 48% remember their smile.

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